Neighbourhood Relations

Helping your student tenants have a healthy relationship with the community and neighbourhood can go a long way. Below are a few tips to help maintain a positive neighbourhood.

Maintain community standards

Make sure your property has adequate parking provisions for your tenants. Establish whether you or the tenant is responsible for yard maintenance and snow removal, and make sure both of you are aware of any bylaws or regulations that may be in effect in the community. Consider spending a portion of your annual rent on improvements.

Let your tenants know the rules and expectations
Make sure your tenants understand the responsibility of having their own home, and they will be more respectful of your property and the neighbourhood. Be clear regarding lease restrictions, extra housemates, sublets, cars, noise, garbage removal, etc.

Be a visible landlord

Your job is not over once the lease is signed. Not only are your tenants paying for a place to live, but they are also paying for services from you. Visit your property regularly and talk with your tenants on how things are progressing. Make sure they have a way to contact you at all times in case an urgent situation arises.

Help your tenants be good neighbours

Let the people living in the neighbourhood know that students will be moving in. Introduce the students to their neighbours and make sure residents feel free to contact you any time there is a problem. If there is a consistent problem between your tenants and their neighbours, help them to work through it co-operatively. Your presence in the neighbourhood may help to ease the concerns of residents.

Comply with fire code regulations

If you are renting part of your property, you must meet the legal requirements for fire separations, means of escape, smoke alarms, and electrical safety. For a copy of Ontario Fire Code regulations, call 1-800-668-9938.

Visit for more information and local contacts.

Comply with municipal bylaws

All home occupancies are subject to compliance with Provincial and Municipal laws. Charges may be laid for violations of zoning regulations, property standards, building code, and other municipal bylaws. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to ensure that they are knowledgeable of and in compliance with local regulations.

Good Neighbour Guide

Click to download a copy of the Good Neighbour Guide for more information and feel free to share with your students and neighbours.